Why is my contact unsubscribed?

When you send your questionnaire from our sending platform (from the “Publish” module, “E-mail” tab), your recipients have the option to request to no longer receive emails from you. 

In order to comply with the GDPR law, Eval&GO has in fact added the mention “If you’d like to unsuscribe and stop receiving these emails, clike here” in the mails sent from our platform.

By clicking on the link, your recipient explicitly requests to no longer receive mail from you. You’ll see the word “Unsubscribed” in the “Status” column of the “My contacts” module. 

Once a contact has been “Unsubscribed”, it is impossible to send new surveys by e-mail from our platform.

You can filter your “Unsubscribed” contacts from “My contacts” by clicking on the “Filter” button and then “Unsubscribed”. You can also export the list of all your unsubscribed contacts, to keep a copy for example, by clicking on the “Export” button and then “Unsubscribed”.

Note: If you delete your unsubscribed contacts and then add them again, they will still appear as “unsubscribed”.

In order to comply with the GPDR law, if your contact wishes to be reinstated to your mailing list, they must send a reinstatement request to you or to us (support@evalandgo.com). If they send you this request, you’ll need to send us an email (support@evalandgo.com) requesting the contact’s reinstatement, enclosing their request.

This request must include their wish to rejoin your mailing list, their email address and the email address of your Eval&GO account from which the questionnaires are sent.