Why are there limitations on sending emails?

For security reasons and to ensure a good delivery of your emails, we limit the number of sendings for your first campaign. These security measures are taken to prevent phishing from our platform.

Phishing is a fraudulent technique designed to lure Internet users into communicating personal data (access accounts, passwords, etc.) and/or banking information by pretending to be a trusted third party.

Once your email address is validated, your first email dispatch is limited to 100 emails, the second dispatch to 200 emails, your third to 500 emails and your fourth to 1000 emails.

We check the email addresses of your recipients at each step of the dispatch. If you get less than 10% errors (invalid email addresses, mispelled, do not exist…), you can proceed to the next step.  

« In error» addresses will be displayed as « Blocked » in Eval&Go.

Once all steps are validated, each dispatch will be limited to 1000 emails. 

Reminder: A PRO account allows you to send up to 2 000 emails per month and a PRO+ account allows you to send up to 10 000 emails per month. 

If your campaign contains more email addresses than allowed at one stage, a message will be displayed:

“You have reached the limit of emails allowed for this campaign. We will automatically fragment your mailings (allow 1 hour between each mailing). If we see a large number of invalid addresses, your campaign will be automatically suspended. Would you like to continue?”

This message means that additional emails will be sent by one hour so that the dispatch steps are respected. You’ll be able to track your emails under the “Emailing Follow-up” section within the “Publish” category.