CLASSIC VERSION – How do I customize the design of my report?

Many options are available to customize your report.

From the “Results” module of your questionnaire, start by clicking on the report you want to customize.

Then select “Design Report,” located at the top left of the page.

Here, you have several possibilities:

  1. You can choose a color palette and one of the provided themes.
  2. You also have the option to create your own color palettes from scratch and save them for future use.

You can customize the colors of your design. This allows you to generate a design that perfectly reflects your brand, project, or company.

To choose a pre-created theme and color palette:

Select the one that interests you. An outline will appear to indicate your selection. Then click the “Save” button.

To preview the result, simply click the “Preview” button in the top right corner.

To create your color palette from scratch:

Click the “+ Add” button. To begin, give your creation a name. The tool allows for the inclusion of three colors. If you want to add more colors to your palette, click the blue “+ Add” button.

You can choose a color from the provided palette or enter your own color codes if you need to follow a specific brand color scheme. In this case, you should copy and paste the code that starts with “#” into the appropriate field.

Note: It’s not possible to type the code directly into the display box.

Once you have created your color palette, click the blue “Save” button.

Finally, select the theme you want to associate with your color palette and click the blue “Save” button one more time.

Modify the colors of the charts:

Click on the blue pen icon at the top right of the chart. Then click “Options.” You can choose to use a predefined color palette or one of your own if you have created one. You can also create a new, unique color palette for this chart by following the same steps as before.