How to share the report online?

You can share the results of your survey to anyone you want from the “Results” unit. 

Click on the “Dashboard” in the “Results” unit. You will find certain information about your survey such as the total number of respondents, the distribution per page (number of responses, average response time, dropout rate), average score, minimum and maximum score.

You can see the scores of your respondents in the “Score per Respondent”.

Finally, you can view the overall results per page of your survey (by clicking on the page number on the colum on the left).

You can share your report online by clicking on the blue “Publish” button. This is updated in real time and takes into account the latest responses collected, which allows you to always have the latest version of the report.

1. Create your report

Create a report by clicking on the green “New online report” button. Start by adding a title to your report. You will then have different setting options for your report:

  • You can add a title that will be displayed on the top of your report by activating the “Title” option. 
  • You can have a logo displayed by activating the “Logo” option. The logo will be displayed on the top left of your report. 
  • The “Display summary” option gives you the possibility to have the dashboard of your survey displayed at the start of your report (with the accumulation of respondents, breakdown per page, number of responses, average time of response,…).
  • You can also display the score(s) of each of your respondent with the “Display respondent scores” option.
  • By activating the “Display all questions” option, you can display the overall results question by question.
  • With a PRO+ account, you can erase the Eval&GO brand (“Delete Eval&GO brand”).

Once you set up your report, click on “Validate”.

2. Copy the link of your report

You can then copy the link of your report, share it by email, on the social media or on your website :

  • Click on the name of your report. A new window will pop out. Then, click on “Copy”.
  • You can also click in the first window on the three dots next to your report and then click on “Display the link”. 

Sharing a custom report from scratch or an automatically generated report

In the “My Reports” tab, you can create your very own analysis report or an automatically genreated report, export and share it online.

Click on “Create a new report from scratch” or “Use an automatically generated report” to create a new report, or click on the name of the report that you want to share.

In order to share your report :

  • Click on the blue “Publish” button on the top right corner
  • Click on the green “New online report” button
  • Name your report
  • You can set a closing date, add filters
  • With a PRO+ account, you have the possibility to delete the Eval&GO brand
  • Click on “Confirm” 

Click on the name of your report, copy the link and share it !

You or the recipients of the report can export it as a PDF file by clicking on Export as PDF.