You can incorporate your survey on your own website.
To do that, first click on the “Publish” unit of your survey.
Then, click on “Get the code” in the “General” tab and “Embed code” option.
A window will pop out and will allow you to set your code embed :
– Select the type of embed mode that you want to use (Integration in an Iframe web page or link to a pop-up).
– If you choose the iframe option: select the format that you wish to use (in % or in pixels px) and insert the height and width.
– If you prefer the option of a link to a pop-up: you need to enter the height and width, and in addition, the text you that want to display on the button that will open the pop-up.
– Enter the domain name of the website on which you want to display your survey.
– Click on the “Get the code” button.
– Click on “Get the code”.
A HTML code is then generated. You can view how your quiz will be displayed on your website by clicking on the “Preview” button. Then, click on “Copy code” and paste it on your website.