CLASSIC VERSION – How to schedule a campaign?

With a PRO+ account, you can schedule a campaign from our Eval&GO sending platform  (“Publish” unit, “Email” tab).

Reminder : The platform allows you to send an unique and personal link to each of your recipients. Those will receive an email in their name. They will be allowed to answer to the questionnaire only once. Finally, you will receive nominative answers and be able to easily send reminders to your respondents (from the “Follow-up” unit of your questionnaire).

1. Email subject 

Personalize the subject of your email that you want to send to your respondents. 

2. Add contacts

In “Groups”, select the contacts group(s) to which you want to send your questionnaire to. 

In “Contacts”, you can look for one or more of your contact(s) and select them. 

By clicking on “New contact”, you can manually add one or more contact(s). 

Important : If you happen to have many contacts, we advise you to upload your contacts list and create contacts groups from the “My contacts” tab.

3. Name of the sender

It is possible to customize the name of the sender. The name will be displayed in the recipients’ inboxes. However, it is not a mandatory field. If you do not enter the name of the expeditor, it is your sender address (the one entered during the “email verification” step) which will appear by default.

4. Customizing the reply email

The reply email address by default is « » or «» (when the “Debranding” functionnality is activated with either a PRO+ or a PRO+ Team). Then, it is impossible for your contacts to answer to the emails sent by Eval&GO. 

You can define an email address that will be used as a messaging service in case you receive a reply to your email. It is a functionnality that can be used with either a PRO+ or a PRO+ Team account. 

5. Designing the email

We created en email theme by default. That theme includes all the necessary information to have your questionnaire sent: variables related to the first and last name of the contact, the name of the questionnaire and mostly the {{ url }} variable that allows to automatically include the link of the questionnaire. A warning message will prevent you from sending the email if the variable does not appear in the message. 

Important: We remind you that it is not necessary to copy/paste or to insert any kind of questionnaire link in the email as our application will generate a personnal and nominative link for each or your recipients. 

However, you can customize that model. You can indeed personalize your sending email so that it reflects your company, product, service…

First of all, you can modify the text and add additional variables. The list of the variables is available by clicking on “List of available variables”. Copy and paste the variables of your choice in the body of your email. Then, you can edit your text in bold and/or italic, underline it, you can insert a link (for example, you can share the link of your website or your social media), bullet point, numbered list and edit the font, its size and color, and way more options. There are many ways to personalize your email!

Once your email is ready, you can save it as one of your themes by clicking on “Save as a new theme”.

6. Scheduling a campaign

Activate the “Schedule a campaign” option to set a day and time at which you want to have your email sent. 

Your setting will be saved. You can check and follow your sendings from the “Follow-up” unit and “Emailing follow-up” tab. Your scheduled campaign will be displayed. 

The campaign scheduling is a PRO+ functionality.